Generally, for the MCA, an MFV of less than 120 cm/sec has proved to be a reliable predictor of the absence of vasospasm, whereas an MFV of 120–200 cm/sec is indicative of mild to moderate vasospasm, and an MFV greater than 200 cm/sec is indicative of severe vasospasm
Wozniak MA, Sloan MA, Rothman MI, et al. Detection of vasospasm by transcranial Doppler sonography: the challenges of the anterior and posterior cerebral arteries. J Neuroimaging 1996;6(2):87–93.
P.S. Для PCA и ACA критерий вазоспазма PSV>120 cм/с, MFV> 80-85 см/с. Sloan ratio для ACA >4.
Пьянков Василий Алексеевич
Бахметьев Артем Сергеевич